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KIWI Starter Kit- Iron Gate

  • Easy and intuitive
  • Choose between Cotton Tips and polycarbonate filters
  • Ergonomic silhouette and a premium aromatic yield to provide the highest satisfaction
  • The magnetic KIWI Powerbank charges and shields your KIWI Pen
  • The convenient soft touch replaces bulky stilts and buttons

SKU: 3859893933028


The simple and intuitive electronic cigarette

Kiwi was created with the aim of providing a viable alternative for people who want to quit smoking, matching the health benefits of electronic cigarettes with the ability to replicate a traditional cigarette shot. KIWI does not burn or heat tobacco but vaporizes a liquid with or without nicotine.

The aerosol steamed in the process doesn’t smell or leave yellow halos. KIWI Magnetic Powerbank recharges your KIWI up to 3 times in a row, making sure you have enough battery life for the whole day.

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